Why Was the Lord Jesus’ Work Met With So Much Hindrance?

By Xinying

The autumn wind blew the yellow withered leaves of the trees off. They drifted in the air with the wind; then, some fell into the flower beds on the roadsides and others fell on the road. The scattered leaves could be seen everywhere, which naturally gave a feeling of desolation. After walking out of the church with her brothers and sisters, Xinying walked alone on her way home with a heavy heart. The leaves under her feet rustled continually, but she had no desire to care about this. Continue reading “Why Was the Lord Jesus’ Work Met With So Much Hindrance?”

3 Aspects to Unravel Mystery of Incarnation of Jesus

By Dong Fan

We all know that in the Age of Law, God worked to guide man in the Spirit, then why was God incarnated to do the work of redemption through crucifixion in the Age of Grace? Is there any mystery in this?

Recently, we understood a bit about this aspect of the truth from a book, and we’d like to explore and enter into it with brothers and sisters. So now let us discuss this question from the following three points: Continue reading “3 Aspects to Unravel Mystery of Incarnation of Jesus”

Do You Know the Reason of Jesus Not Keeping the Sabbath?

By Su Jie

After one meeting, on the way back home I saw the golden ears of corn looked extremely brilliant in the sun and people were busy working in the corn fields. Then I couldn’t help but think of one verse: “Jesus went on the sabbath day through the corn; and his disciples were an hungered, and began to pluck the ears of corn and to eat” (Matthew 12:1). I quietly tried to ponder this verse and thought of the laws of the Old Testament. Continue reading “Do You Know the Reason of Jesus Not Keeping the Sabbath?”

3 Aspects to Know What Is the Meaning of Jesus Christ

By Qianqian

It has been over two thousand years to date since the Lord Jesus Christ came to the earth and was nailed to the cross in the likeness of sinful flesh to serve as a sin offering for us all. The disposition of love, mercy and forbearance of the Lord Jesus Christ is far beyond the reach of us corrupt humans. Therefore, His name was spread and praised and has become known to all, and many people have belief in and reverence for Him. Believers call Him “the lovable Savior Christ.” Then, why do people call the Lord Jesus as Christ? To understand this subject, we should first know what Christ is.

Crucifixion of Jesus

God says: “The incarnate God is called Christ, and Christ is the flesh donned by the Spirit of God. This flesh is unlike any man that is of the flesh. This difference is because Christ is not of flesh and blood but is the incarnation of the Spirit. He has both a normal humanity and a complete divinity. His divinity is not possessed by any man. His normal humanity sustains all His normal activities in the flesh, while His divinity carries out the work of God Himself.Continue reading “3 Aspects to Know What Is the Meaning of Jesus Christ”

True Meaning of Jesus Saying “It Is Finished” on the Cross

Hello Sister Wang,

In your letter you mention: “I think that when the Lord Jesus said ‘It is finished’ moments before He took His last breath, it meant that the work of salvation had been done and that we have been saved by God and that God won’t do any new work. …”

the Lord Jesus said ‘It is finished’
The Lord Jesus said “It Is Finished” on the cross

Regarding this point, I’d like to share with you my own understanding.

Actually, when the Lord Jesus said on the cross “It is finished,” it only indicated that His work of being crucified was completed, because the main point of the Lord Jesus being incarnated was to be crucified. His holy and sinless flesh was nailed to the cross as a sin offering to redeem mankind from Satan’s clutches and pardon our sins. In other words, the Lord Jesus was completing one stage of the work of redemption in God’s plan. In addition, during this stage of the work, the Lord Jesus also prophesied that He had more work to do in the future. So we can safely say that the Lord Jesus saying “It is finished” while on the cross doesn’t signify that the work of God’s salvation of mankind was completed then. Continue reading “True Meaning of Jesus Saying “It Is Finished” on the Cross”